5 Things You Need to Do Before You Launch Your Product Internationally
If you are a product inventor or manufacturer who is looking to export your product internationally, there are several steps to take before getting started in order to secure the most successful international campaign.
Step #1: Marketing Materials
Marketers in the Direct Response industry are fortunate to not only have marketing materials such as retail and print artwork, but may also have developed a commercial for television airing. If this is the case for you, you will want to make sure to have split audio master tapes with no superimposed images of your advertising media. This ensures that once sent abroad, the master tape can be easily translated and new text or voiceovers added, and put on television right away. For most other marketers, color retail packaging is a necessity, as this is the main method in which international clients will be selling your product. Making sure you have all your retail and print materials in order is your first step.
Step #2: Pricing
In order to accommodate the international clients’ needs, an extra low export price may be necessary to accommodate the international buyer’s shipping costs, storage costs, returns and advertising costs. Often, marketing costs are quite high, and they may even need to send approvals to their local health ministry if your product is an ingestible item, or touches food or skin. These costs add up for the buyer, and they are taking this into account each time they purchase a new item.
Step #3: Shipping Specifications
One of the most important steps that is often overlooked is to have a solid understanding of the packaging of your product. Does it come bulk-packed? How many are in each master carton? What are the carton dimensions? Where will they be picked up? How many can fit on a pallet? Accurate product specifications are necessary so landed costs can be calculated correctly.
Step #4 International trademarks
Make sure that your trademarks are not already taken in a market in which you wish to sell. You may need to pay fees to the person who already holds the trademark there. Also, it is good to secure a trademark in the USA – this helps show the credibility of your product to international clients and can help with local approvals in their markets.
Step #5: Look to export management companies with international expertise
The world is a big place, and each market has different regulations, restrictions, and etiquette. Often, the easiest way to get your foot in the door with new international buyers is to contact an export management company. Some do not charge fees for their services, and they can provide the connections that you do not already have.